The London Collection

Works in Print has a great number of images of places from around the world.  Our London Collection is a series of images showing different facets of the city from the late nineteenth century to the present.  Below is a selection of images, both historical and contemporary, that document spaces and places of the city […]

Trisha McCrae Owens

Trisha Owens, Pink Tree. Print.

The term ‘art’ certainly has a big remit but it’s the underlying aspects that make good art stand out, whether it is a piece of music, a film, a poem, a performance or a painting.  For me, a work of art has to initially grab me with some sort of aesthetic emotion, a visceral reaction […]

Why Do We Frame Artworks?

Problems arise when confronted with the task of presenting an artwork. Why do we frame artwork? Of course it is very functional, it protects the art, after all a frame is easier to replace than an original piece. It also solves many problems of how to attach a work on paper to the wall. Excluding […]